Meet Audrey Wiggins

Audrey Wiggins is Undisruptable


“My reputation is the most important thing to my business. It’s what I worked 17 years to build.”



Audrey Wiggins, a real estate pro specializing in equestrian properties in her charming hometown, Pinehurst, NC, cares deeply about her clients. Not just because she will likely bump into them in town, but because more often than not, her clients become her friends and part of her local, close knit circle. This is not by accident, but a result of deep thought and consideration for each and every client as she helps them navigate the home buying and selling process.


“I think I do a few things for my clients that they would never know about. I think the biggest thing that I do is how much thought I put into their personal needs and the marketing of their property if it’s a listing, or really trying to find that right fit for them financially and community-wise fitting their lifestyle in. I think that they have no idea how much thought, how many times I wake up in the middle of the night thinking over what could we have found or what could we have done differently to get that house sold quicker or make that offer stay together, whatever it might be that I’m working on. I think that’s the biggest thing that they don’t … and I think the consumer as a whole doesn’t realize how much thought and preparation and study it takes to be good in this industry.”


As an equestrian home specialist in her market, she has to know what to look for, on the property, in the barn, and the minute details required for each and every client. But this deep knowledge and attention to detail is what puts her leaps and bounds ahead of others.This is what makes Audrey undisruptable.



Read more from our conversation here:

Audrey Wiggins: Hi, I’m Audrey Wiggins. I’m with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Lifestyle Property Partners out of Pinehurst, North Carolina. 

Molly McKinley: Perfect. Tell me what it means to be for you. 

Audrey Wiggins: Being undisruptable means to turn the negativity and the fear-mongering that we hear so much of in this industry into positive change and inspiration. 

Molly McKinley: Can give me an example of some of the positive change and inspiration that you bring into your everyday. 

Audrey Wiggins: I think that in my everyday experiences with my clients, I really bring in a lot of communication and work on focusing on the relationship with that client. I think that changes in the industry have caused us to refocus our attention on that relationship with the consumer and the client. 

Molly McKinley: What does that mean for you, the consumer experience? How important is that for you? 

Audrey Wiggins: The consumer experience is huge to our business as realtors. We need to focus on the client, on the family, working with those folks not just one time but over a history of a decade, working with the mother, the daughters as they get out of school and their children as first time home buyers and then relocating their grandparents. Becoming their realtor. Really staying a part of their life. 

Molly McKinley: Tell me about some of the things that you do as an agent that nobody will ever know that you’re just doing for your client. 

Audrey Wiggins: I think I do a few things for my clients that they would never know about. I think the biggest thing that I do is how much thought I put into their personal needs and the marketing of their property if it’s a listing, or really trying to find that right fit for them financially and community-wise fitting their lifestyle in. I think that they have no idea how much thought, how many times I wake up in the middle of the night thinking over what could we have found differently or what could we have done differently to get that house sold quicker or make that offer stay together, whatever it might be that I’m working on. I think that’s the biggest thing that they don’t … and I think the consumer as a whole doesn’t realize how much thought and preparation and study it takes to be good in this industry. 

Molly McKinley: That’s awesome. That was beautiful. Why? Why are you doing that? 

Audrey Wiggins: Because I care. Because it means something to me. These relationships that I’ve built with my clients, I mean they have become friends, they become part of my family. We have a small community where we are in North Carolina, so it’s a bit of a niche market. So it allows you to be more personal and up close with your clientele and your consumers because you see them at community events and you invite them to the community events and they just become part of your tribe. 

Molly McKinley: What does your reputation mean? 

Audrey Wiggins: My reputation is the most important thing to me in my business and my life. The way people see me and value me and my work ethic, how I treat my clients, again, how much care and thought I put into what we do for them, that’s the reputation basically that all my business is built on. Without that, I wouldn’t be where I am at with my production and my clientele and my experiences. 

Audrey Wiggins: My reputation is the most important thing to my business. It’s what I worked 17 years to build. It is my work ethic, how my clients feel about … how I perform for them, how I market their properties, what my family thinks of me, my colleagues, my peers. It’s huge. I couldn’t do what I do without the reputation that I have and what I’ve worked so hard to build. 

Molly McKinley: What do you want other agents to know about being undisruptable? 

Audrey Wiggins: To not be afraid. To not be afraid of the challenges that the industry puts in front of us. To be undisruptable you have to take that challenge and turn it into a positive thing for your business. And I think if agents can look at it that way, it will make the biggest difference in how they succeed in the adversity that we have and the big changes that we have, because it’s only getting faster. Technology changes things so much faster. So to not be afraid of the challenge, that’s what I would like them to feel and know. 

Molly McKinley: What do you think if there’s one thing that you can sum up in terms of the thing that you do that will always be relevant, can you name that thing? 

Audrey Wiggins: What makes a realtor relevant is the personal relationship that she or he creates with the client. Zillow cannot do that. None of these big companies, corporations can do that. And if you take that and hold onto it and focus on that, then those big companies, adversity, the changes that they’re not going to affect your business. You can turn them into tools to use to help your business.

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